Anyang Steel Zhoukou heavy plate mill’s 110kV substation goes on-power

Date:2024/9/2 Source: CISDI

A 110kV substation at a heavy plate rolling line in China’s Henan Province is now on power.

Anyang Steel Zhoukou’s substation is supplying the plant’s heavy plate mill, the electric furnace’s 10kV equipment and meltshop water treatment users.

CISDI Electric Technology Co was the package supplier. The order featured four onload regulating transformers - two 80MVA 3-phase double-winding, one 50MVA 3-phase double winding and one 80MVA 3-phase triple-winding.

The substation has three-circuit 110kV, three-circuit 35kV and 22-circuit 10kV outgoing lines.

Enhancing the plant’s power supply, distribution management and operational efficiencies has resulted in the following benefits:

        No operational duty manpower required

        Centralised scheduling, smart ops management, smart alarming and remote browsing

        Smart operation of primary equipment has been achieved with multiple online monitoring sensors

        Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition is applied across all substation users’ data analyses.

CISDI Electric’s team wrapped up designs within 80 days of the contract-signing last December.

Over 80 per cent of the contractual equipment was manufactured and delivered ahead of schedule. Every milestone in the five-month master schedule was successfully hit, thanks to the team’s well-established communication channels and closely coordinated design, procurement and manufacturing supervision links.

All users’ electric testing passed acceptance in a single trial and their power-on resulted in zero faults.



The heavy plate rolling line at Anyang Steel Zhoukou plant will produce China’s widest range of varieties and specifications and high-end products.

CISDI is building it to an EPC mode, applying CISDigital® industrial internet platform and smart manufacturing tech to create China’s first digital, smart line of its kind.

The line is scheduled for hot commissioning in October. With its digital, centralised control, smart operation and smart management, it is set to become a world-class benchmark.


The 110kV substation power-on for Anyang Steel Zhoukou’s heavy plate rolling line