Smart water control centre is underway at Baotou Steel

Date:2024/9/2 Source: CISDI

CISDI is building a smart water control centre at Baotou Steel in China’s Inner Mongolia, which has an annual production capacity of 10 million tonnes.

The CISDigital® industrial internet platform and applications will create an advanced, full-process water efficiency control centre.

For intensive utilisation of water resources, CISDI’s smart water solutions for Batou Steel include the design of a tailor-made process mechanism value model and proposals for automation, technology equipment modification and smart equipment.

These solutions will improve the plant’s smart water application standards, reduce costs and increase efficiency.

“We are expecting to see a model green, low-carbon water plant as we vigorously advance new-quality productive forces,” commented a Baotou Steel spokesperson.

CISDI’s smart water solutions have already brought significant results for Baosteel Zhanjiang in China’s Guangdong Province and Rizhao Steel in Shandong.

Their smart water control centres have deeply integrated process mechanisms, big data and artificial intelligence tech with water application scenarios, resulting in innovative methods of digital water management. Unified scheduling, collaborated operation and optimal allocation of water resources have been achieved.



Zhanjiang Steel’s smart water control centre went operational in 2019 and is now driving its sustainable development