World's largest blast furnace is on track for summer launch

Date:2024/6/7 Source: CISDI

TSK reports successful stove heat up

The world’s largest blast furnace, currently under construction at Tata Steel Kalinganagar in India, is on track for an August launch following the successful heating of the furnace’s stoves.

CISDI, the furnace’s designer and supplier, has been able to monitor the prepping of equipment and check parameters from China via a remote control platform.

This remote technical assistance has ensured accurate monitoring of real-time conditions onsite.

Successful stove-heating means construction can now continue on schedule.

TSK’s BF2 will have a volume of 5,873 cubic metres - the largest in the world. CISDI’s state-of-the-art tech will ensure the furnace meets its projected capacity of 4.375 million tonnes a year.

It features CISDI’s unique slag granulating drum, dry-method dust collection and top-combustion stove systems.

A TSK spokesperson has praised the experience and expertise demonstrated by CISDI from the bid stage to design and construction.

“CISDI’s highly reliable team is supporting us for the furnace’s commissioning and operation. We’re confident that furnace 2 will make it possible for our plant to achieve a total annual production capacity of 10 million tonnes,” the spokesperson added.


Artist’s impression of TSK’s BF2



CISDI’s team are pictured providing remote technical assistance from their Chongqing HQ for the BF2 in India