CCM3 is up and running at Yongfeng Steel Lingang phase II

Date:2024/5/21 Source: CISDI

Yongfeng Steel’s Lingang plant has now hot tested its continuous casting machine 3, an integral part of its phase II construction.

CISDI was contracted to supply and install two sets of the slab casters, each featuring two strands and with a specification of 2,150mm.

Both casters needed to be constructed at the same time, but as joint commissioning couldn’t be accommodated, CCM4’s construction and commissioning is due to be completed in June this year.

CISDI has supplied all process models, core tech and equipment. Its specialist products play a critical role in achieving higher quality, efficiency and smart manufacturing standards and lower-cost operation:

           mould’s online width adjustment

           mould’s hydraulic oscillation

           mould’s expert system

           high-precision segments

           mould’s electro-magnetic stirring

           strand’s electro-magnetic stirring

           3D dynamic secondary cooling model

           dynamic soft reduction model

           hydrogen-oxygen torch cutter

           robot marking.

The CCM will stably produce quality carbon structural steel, high-strength structural steel and non-oriented silicon steel products.


The CCM3, now operational at Yongfeng Steel Lingang’s phase II in China’s Shandong Province



The CISDI team celebrates the CCM3 hot testing at Yongfeng Steel Lingang