A BFG holder’s piston and top system is holistically floated up at Desheng Steel Yunnan

Date:2024/5/21 Source: CISDI

Construction of a holistically floating piston and top system for a 200,000 cubic-metre blast furnace gas holder has now been completed at Desheng Steel in China’s Yunnan Province.

This milestone achievement sets a strong footing for the entire project to be completed on-schedule.

The BFG holder’s body is 108m high, has an inner diameter of 56m and a maximum piston speed of 2.5m per minute.

Featuring CISDI’s POC membrane holder (piston, oil seal and cylindrical shell), it will achieve higher pressure and stabler piston running and will have a longer service life. The gas holder’s sealing performance will also be improved. Its operation and maintenance will be more user-friendly for employees.

To implement the holistically floating up method, CISDI organised specialist meetings with representatives from Desheng and the construction and supervision companies involved.

Technical solution clarifications, the checking and verification of constructional machinery and tools, communication methods, status and float-testing results for movable systems were discussed and fine-tuned at these preparatory meetings and as a result, the high-elevation construction was performed smoothly and safely.


CISDI organised onsite meetings for the holistically floating up construction of the BFG holder piston and top system at Desheng Steel Yunnan