Orders are rolling in for CISDI’s expertise in distributed energy resources

Date:2024/5/21 Source: CISDI

In its ongoing commitment to the research, development and industrialisation of green energy reutilisation, CISDI is playing an active role in advancing low-carbon social and economic development by innovating energies.

Its total solutions for super-efficient, clean and sustainable energy resource reutilisation have resulted in the company winning numerous projects:

Natural gas boiler distributed energy project at Enliji heat island centre in Chongqing

A new natural gas boiler will be built with an hourly capacity of 220 tonnes. It will combine existing units at the heat island for parallel operation.

Benefits for the project:

        a greater, safer and more stable steam supply

        fewer carbon dioxide emissions.

There will be an opportunity to bring back into use a long-idle extraction, back-pressure steam turbine power generator (30MW) at the heat island. The centre’s energy supply will achieve the following results:

        increase the island’s energy resource reutilisation efficiency

        become able to meet needs from additional industrial heat loads

        improve the island’s involvement in electricity trading and peak load power generation


Natural gas distributed energy project at Huafon Chongqing Spandex Co in Chongqing

A gas turbine and auxiliary heat conductive oil HRSG power generator (50MW-level) will be built at Huafon Chongqing Spandex.

It will be the first of its kind in China.

Huafon is a flagship chemical industrial enterprise and the world’s top producer of spandex. This groundbreaking project will transform its conventional power system to low-carbon.

The company operates under Huafon Chemical Co. which is headquartered in Wenzhou in China’s Zhejiang Province.

The project is designed to enhance the company’s energy reutilisation efficiency and save on electricity purchase costs at Huafon’s new material industrial park.


Comprehensive energy resources project at JINMAILANG Beverage Qujing Co in Yunnan

CISDI is to build an energy resources reutilisation project at JINMAILANG Beverage Qujing to an EPC mode. It is tasked with enhancing the drinks company’s green power ratio.

CISDI will also help the company create the necessary conditions for an application for China Certified Emission Reduction registration.