CISAI - empowering mass industrial logistics

Date:2024/4/18 Source: CISDI

From 5G and AI to autonomous locomotive tech, CISAI’s artificial intelligence developments are supporting steel manufacturing, the mining sector and the ports industry in their quest to become safer, smarter and more efficient.

1) Smart, driverless, all-weather transport throughout the production process

The world’s first launch of iSmartONE at Baosteel Zhanjiang in China’s Guangdong Province is achieving driverless transport of hot metal


To eradicate the restrictions on interfacial efficiency caused by conventional methods of hot metal transport in ironmaking-steelmaking, CISAI has developed the AI-based iSmartONE ? a driverless, all-weather transport system for the ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgical sectors.

Since the launch of iSmartONE at Baosteel Zhanjiang, the team has created:

           Models for hot metal scheduling, distribution and route-planning which simulate the human brain’s perception of complex problems

           Smart equipment - a locomotive-carried AI controller and smart sensing kit, the auto coupler and decoupler, and auto parking/hold and charging units.

These standardised optimum products have reduced China’s reliance on imports.

The iSmartONE has now upgraded Zenith Nantong’s conventional BEV to AI+5G driverless, boosting its green and low-carbon production targets.


2) Innovative tech route for improving the ports industry’s logistical efficiency and cost performance


The world’s first application of iSmartCSU is currently under construction at a port in China

Implementing the PanGoLIP smart industrial logistics platform will achieve full-process, all-round digital control


At a conventional raw material port in China, a large workforce is required for the coordination of the continuous ship unloader’s onsite operating, commanding and cabin cleaning posts.

Severe conditions often impact on workplace safety and operational efficiency.

CISAI’s iSmartCSU, featuring AI and digital twin tech, will provide a smart operation system to alleviate these problems for the port. It will provide:

        Smart planning for production and operation

        AI-based dynamic sensing and recognition of ship profiles, cabins and material levels

        Smart decision-making on material reclaiming

        Smart remote driving

        Collision prevention

        A collapse early-warning system.

It will achieve:

        Smart operation, with less manpower

        A safer workplace

        Increased productivity

        Reduced labour costs and energy consumption.


3) Total solutions for autonomous railway locomotives


Existing electric locomotives at Maanshan Steel Nanshan Mining in China’s Anhui Province are being transformed to autonomous with iSmartLoco


CISAI’s iSmartLoco is an unmanned locomotive driving system with the BlitzerADP industrial autonomous locomotive-carried platform at its core.

The Chinese-made System on Chip is utilised for the research, development and testing of the BlitzerADP platform’s circuit design and its sample proofing, interfacing function, environment and the system development kit’s source code. Additionally, core control algorithms have been introduced into the actualisation of iSmartLoco.

In the meantime, an autonomous driving simulation platform has been set up for the research and development of a locomotive simulation model on the basis of a high-precision cartographic model.

The locomotive’s physical properties and its running status are simulated to verify the driverless operating function, enable closed-loop flow control and to conduct offline testing.

These procedures have improved the driving flow’s systematic function efficiency and its development and commissioning. More importantly, they ease the negative impacts of onsite testing and commissioning on production and transport.

The iSmartLoco total solutions create stronger functions, cleverer algorithms, a more flexible systemic framework and more reliable driverless operation.

These solutions offer bright prospects for the ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, mining, ports and special-purpose industries.