CISDI’s double act for Dongang ? ZnAlMg-plating line 4 now running

Date:2024/2/7 Source: CISDI

CISDI has successfully completed a second transformational project at Donghai Special Steel/Donggang in China’s Hebei Province.

April 2023 saw CISDI complete the construction of a galvaluminising line 3 at the Tangshan City-based plant.

To increase Donggang’s product variety and added values, CISDI has now completed the construction of ZnAlMg-plating line 4.

Multiple critical plating technologies have been applied to both lines, which each have an annual production capacity of 250,000 tonnes.

A plating proportion of 55%AI, 1.6%Si and 1.6%Mg has been achieved.

Three-stage heat change expertise enhances energy usage efficiency at the annealing furnace.

Innovative zinc ash and slag treatment tech is helping to solve a protracted problem of hazardous zinc steam problem, which is conventionally experienced at Donggang.


Teams from CISDI Thermal and Donggang give the newly operational ZnAlMg-plating line 4 the thumbs up