Greener and more efficient - Xianfu Steel’s waste water deep processing passes acceptance

Date:2023/9/19 Source: CISDI

CISDI has built phase I of a waste water deep processing plant at Xianfu Steel in China’s Yunnan Province.

All systems are running stably and are fulfilling all quality and performance acceptance markers.

Focussing on water and salt balances, CISDI’s water systematic optimisation and overall enhancement solution has been tailored to Xianfu Steel’s production conditions.

It has met the targets of improving water supply quality, creating a safer and more economical water system, and recycling more waste water.

Comprehensive analysis of storm and sewage diversion, individual plant circulating water systems, the central water treatment plant, and special waste water treatment methods was carried out.

Waste water from the production process can be used as industrial water after going through ultra-filtering and reverse osmosis treatments and a small quantity of concentrate water is now used for scale flushing.

This brings the entire plant’s production systems to almost zero levels of waste water discharge, a major environmental benefit.

CISDI applied 3D design methodology, which increased construction efficiency. It was used to verify all detailed designs, accommodate functional and ergonomic design concepts and facilitate a clear-cut arrangement of pipeline systems.

A spokesperson for Xianfu Steel commented: “CISDI team’s professionalism was outstanding. The company made refined implementations in the project’s design and its safety, schedule and quality controls.

“Xianfu Steel will become greener, thanks to CISDI’s energy conservation and emission reduction solutions.”


The workshop at Xianfu Steel’s waste water deep processing plant