CISDI creates China’s first digital wide plate mill at Anyang Steel Zhoukou

Date:2023/9/19 Source: CISDI

CISDI Information Technology Co is to digitalise a wide plate rolling line at Anyang Steel’s Zhoukou plant.

The line’s EPC-based construction is also by CISDI, who concluded the contract with Anyang Steel two months ago.

A smart, centralised control centre will be created with features including CISDI’s driverless crane, artificial intelligence-based image and machine vision tech. It will enable smart warehousing and smart heating and finishing.

CISDigital Industrial Internet Platform will form the base for adding smart APPs for production, quality, equipment, energy and safety. Their displays and monitoring will be aided by three-dimensional visual and video fusion.

With all staff coordinated at the centre, the Zhoukou wide plate rolling line is becoming a demo of digital, lean, super-efficient and transparent production.