Hot-tested heavy bar breakdown mill at NISCO

Date:2023/3/24 Source: CISDI

A breakdown mill’s main motor has been successfully expanded and tested for a special steel heavy bar rolling line at Nanjing Iron and Steel Co. in China’s Jiangsu Province. 

The line was first built by CISDI in 2008. The original Ø850mm breakdown mill requires upgrading to meet market demand for higher product quality and greater rolling capability. 

Its main motor has now been hot-tested, fulfilling the first phase of the mill’s upgrade.

A new and more capable breakdown mill ? a CISDI core equipment development - has been installed and is meeting all design and construction targets. CISDI’s team will be responsible for technical services for its commissioning and startup.


NISCO’s heavy bar roughing mill is now operating with an expanded main motor and a more powerful breakdown mill