Zhanjiang Steel and Xusteel are converting to photovoltaic power

Date:2022/12/19 Source: CISDI

The first photovoltaic power generation project at Baosteel Zhanjiang Steel is now on grid.

It is producing energy at the plant’s 1,780mm hot rolling area.

CISDI is also contracted to build other PV power generation areas at the plant’s 1,750mm cold rolling and 1,780mm hot rolling areas, three CCM mechanical repair shops, land at an easterly area of the site and two water sites at Dongshan Lake.

The total installed capacity is 46.89MW peak.


A distributed photovoltaic power generation project is already on grid at Xusteel in China’s Jiangsu Province.

The steel plant’s flat roofs are the perfect location for photovoltaic panels. They will be fitted on nine roofs at Phase I and will generate a total of 10.32526MW peak power.  Currently three of the nine are on-grid and are achieving an installed capacity of 5.54378MW peak.

Xusteel will consume all energy created by its PV power generation.



The CISDI-built photovoltaic power generation project at Baosteel Zhanjiang



CISDI’s distributed photovoltaic power generation project at Xusteel


CISDI engineers test a PV power generation unit at Zhanjiang Steel