NISCO’s plant-wide water treatment system calls on CISDI brains for revamp plan

Date:2022/11/29 Source: CISDI

CISDI is to optimise a plant-wide water treatment system at Nanjing Iron and Steel Co in China’s Jiangsu Province.

The company has been called in as a consultant, to find solutions which will enhance water quality and systematic safety while reducing operational costs.

An in-depth analysis has been carried out on the individual circulating water system, the central water plant and plant pipeline network, based on water flow and salt balances.

The consultancy, which could lead to the introduction of CISDI’s water treatment developments at NISCO, will assist the plant in responding to new, stricter policies on water consumption and environmental protection.

CISDI’s consulting services team have brought about transformations at Chongqing Steel, Chengyu V-Ti and Xianfu Steel over the last three years.