Zenith Nantong on target for zero ? CISDI-built RHF ramps up at its waste treatment centre

Date:2022/9/16 Source: CISDI

A rotary hearth furnace built by CISDI Thermal and Environmental Engineering Co at a solid waste treatment centre at China’s Zenith Nantong Steel has ramped up on schedule.

This achievement follows on from the success of new homogenising and scale screening lines at the centre, which is based in the Jiangsu Province.

Piling work began in September 2020, the centre’s homogenising and scale screening lines went operational in December 2021 and have met their designed production capacity. The RHF was hot commissioned in June and ramped up in July this year.

A cluster of CISDI Thermal’s green, efficient solid waste treatment technologies has been applied to the centre.

The company’s RHF-based tech and equipment is helping the greenfield steel complex to achieve zero solid waste discharge.

To ensure the smooth operation and fast ramp-up of all lines, EPC-based service provider CISDI Thermal set up a dedicated operations management team at the site.

The centre’s annual output capacities consist of 250,000 tonnes from the RHF production line, 300,000 tonnes at its homogenising line, 100,000 tonnes at its cold briquetting line and 400,000 tonnes at its scale screening line.

They are Zenith Nantong’s major players in the achievement of green development and conserving iron and zinc-bearing dust and sludge resources.


Zenith Nantong staged a start-up celebration at its solid waste treatment centre, with CISDI’s project chief present



The rotary hearth furnace built and operated by CISDI