S&T: Two CISDI projects make China’s IoT list

Date:2022/9/16 Source: CISDI

Two innovative CISDI projects have been awarded a major accolade.

They have been selected by China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology for its 2021 Internet of Things list of outstanding demo projects.

A long-distance, intelligent IoT-based control platform and application for the ironmaking industry, developed by CISDI Information Technology (Chongqing) Co, made the list, along with CISAI Tech’s intelligent hot metal transport system at Baotou Steel.

Both projects were classed as Integrated Application Innovations, which together with Critical Technological Breakthroughs comprised 179 projects awarded list status.

Selected Integrated Application Innovations focused on intelligent manufacturing, construction and environmental protection projects which will play an important role in China’s digital economy and empower conventional industries to transform and upgrade.

²  Long-distance, intelligent IoT-based control platform and application for the ironmaking industry

Improving ironmaking and its upstream procedures are key to reducing a steel plant’s costs and enhancing its efficiency.

Conventional problems - decentralised control, poor coordination and data isolation - prevent high-quality development.

CISDI’s IoT-based control platform applies an IoT platform, an integrated, intelligent control system and long-distance, massive centralised control tech across upstream ironmaking areas. It eradicates conventional coordination, safety and efficiency issues.

A number of IPR-based breakthroughs have been created. Coordination and operational efficiency has been optimised across all upstream-ironmaking procedures.

Setting a milestone for China’s intelligent steel manufacturing, the tech and application was described as top 10 tech news for the world steel industry in 2020.

Its first application was at Baowu Shaogang in China’s Guangdong Province. Successive projects at China’s Baowu, NISCO and Zenith plants followed.

All applications have achieved remarkable economic and social benefits, injecting new impetus into the intelligent advancement of steel.


CISDI’s long-distance, intelligent IoT-based control platform at Baowu Shaogang, the first in China


²  Intelligent hot metal transport

China’s first intelligent hot metal transport system with a Chinese-made diesel locomotive, successfully ran at Baotou Steel in Inner Mongolia in 2021.

It applied CISDI’s real-time self-learning, self-adaptive high-precision control model.

All-weather environmental perception and digital twin tech enabled the locomotive to transport materials in all weather and environmental conditions, accurately identifying all obstacles and carrying out automatic coupling and de-coupling and accurate positioning.

Baotou Steel now operates with intelligent hot metal scheduling and autonomous/unmanned locomotives.


      more efficient hot metal transport

      hot metal temperature drop reduced

      safer operations

      improved working conditions

      hot metal transport cost savings

      greater coordination between ironmaking, steelmaking and hot metal transport procedures.


The intelligent hot metal transport system at Baotou Steel