CISDI builds greener meltshop for KISCO

Date:2022/8/22 Source: CISDI

KISCO’s meltshop at its new site in Kunming City in China’s Yunnan Province is now operating fully, after the successful hot testing of a KR-process hot metal desulphurisation system and a vacuum degasser.

As the EPC-based service provider, CISDI built the meltshop’s 120-tonne hot metal desulphurisation station, two 120-tonne top-bottom combined blown BOFs, two online argon blowing stations, two 120 tonne twin ladle furnaces, one 120-tonne dual-vessel and cover vacuum degasser, slag treatment facilities and their auxiliaries and utilities.

The meltshop, an important milestone in KISCO’s relocation programme, is set to produce up to 2.342 million tonnes of liquid steel and 2.272 million tonnes of slabs a year. Most will be used in the production of high-strength, quake-proof and high-quality building steels. Some of the final products will be supplied as feedstock for deep processing, as required by the market.

BOF1 and LF1 and the BOF2 and LF2 were all successfully hot commissioned in the first half of 2022.

KISCO is relocating in the pursuit of greener, low carbon and more efficient standards.

CISDI’s construction aligned with these targets by applying a dry method of dust collection and an efficient environmental cleaning solution. As a result, the meltshop’s emission concentration of bled fume and its recovered gas dust concentration is less than 10mg/Nm3.  

A roller crushing and hot closed pot method has been applied to slag processing, which recovers the scrap while reusing the slag.

A one-touch melting system, with CISDI’s patented sub-lance at its core, and an intelligent melting management system have made production safer, smarter and more efficient.

Rising to complications posed by the pandemic and soaring steel prices, CISDI’s team worked closely with its partners and TISCO and was able to fulfil all work and details to a high standard.

Smooth melting production has resulted from CISDI’s endeavours and is helping KISCO to sustain its green, low-carbon development.


A new outlook of KISCO after relocation



KISCO’s KR system is hot tested for hot metal desulphurisation


The 120-tonne vacuum degasser at KISCO