CISDI Electric’s photovoltaic power generator to boost Baosteel Zhanjiang

Date:2022/8/22 Source: CISDI

A new photovoltaic power generation system will be built by CISDI Electric at Baosteel Zhanjiang in China’s Guangdong Province.

Part of step one at Zhanjiang Plant’s phase II, the PV project will have a 46MW capacity, the largest single project of its kind for CISDI.

The construction includes roof, ground and floating PV power generators, as the system will be working in diverse environments.

The generators need to be resistant to weather conditions such as typhoons.

This project deepens the partnership with investors Baowu Energy Co, which was forged when Zhanjiang Plant’s phase I PV power generator was created, and will expand CISDI’s total PV installation capacity to 100MW.

Both companies have pledged to speed up the development of new metallurgical sector breakthroughs in ultra-low emissions, green development and smart energy.

CISDI Electric is poised to supply the new energy sector with cleaner energy systems and equipment, and cost efficiency solutions.