Boosting cleaner production at Maanshan Steel

Date:2022/7/8 Source: CISDI

CISDI is to supply clean production equipment to the Raw Material Handling Plant for the Maanshan Steel Port Group.

The supplies will support Masteel’s comprehensive control of unsystematic (previously uncollected) emissions.

This environmental improvement project is the most difficult task in Masteel’s ultra-low emissions programme and is required to achieve a Grade A environmental KPI in China’s steel sector.

Improvements cover a wide range of sub-plants at the port, plus the stockyard and the external delivery site. Across these areas, over 500 points at complicated processes and multiple interfaces need to be addressed.

In response to the tight schedule and complex requirements, CISDI has proposed solutions to address root causes and apply categorised, accurate controls.

CISDI‘s supplies will include six dust collection facilities and over 300 green units - hoppers, automatic cleaners and dry mist dust suppressors.

CISDI’s solutions regularly win customer applause for their:

       highly-efficient dust collection, clean transportation and transfer systems to address the dusty stockyard conditions

       scientific, systematic methodology to solve the sectoral chronic dust problems produced by production and residual materials.