Equipment Manufacturing: SFRE’s new-generation TCM goes on stream

Date:2022/4/29 Source: CISDI

Four single-stand, 6-hi reversing cold rolling mills have been successfully hot commissioned for the production of quality coils at Zhongpu Precision Cold Rolling Co under Puyang Steel Group in China’s Hebei Province.

A subsidiary of CISDI in Xi’an, MCC-SFRE Heavy Industry Equipment Co supplied the tandem cold mills, which feature a new-generation innovative product.

The TCMs are now achieving their maximum designed rolling speed of 1,250 metres per minute.

SFRE is an expert manufacturer of 6-hi reversing cold rolling mills. They have established a research and development system for standard specification products.

Zhongpu’s TCMs will achieve a high rolling speed and a super-heavy screw-down ratio.

The representative mill products cover the specification 1,000mm, 1,050mm, 1,150mm, 1,250mm, 1,380mm, 1,450mm, 1,500mm and 1,780mm.

SFRE TCM’s technology highlights are:

1) Green

An oil-mist super cleaning system is applied to the TCM, which operates with a closed hood and multi-stage mechanical filtering and purification.

The result is a much lower exhaust emission than the national standard.

2) Energy conservation

TCM’s electric and automation system features world-leading, state-of-the-art hardware. Reliable, advanced algorithms and optimised control programmes based on project experience enable the E&A to implement energy conservation, safe and precise drive and control.

3) High efficiency

The TCM is a high-efficiency production facility. It performs intelligent accelerating and decelerating and precise stop functions during its high speed rolling process. Operation and maintenance is easily accessible.

4) Stability

TCM’s equipment type sizing focusses on a high safety coefficient. SFRE provides the TCM products with a top global brand supply chain.

They ensure the rolling mill train operates stably and durably.

5) Ultra-thin specification rolling

The TCM is able to continuously and stably produce ultra-thin strip to 0.11 millimetre. To achieve these specifications, a 3.0-millimetre-thick feedstock is rolled through only one schedule of 6 passes.

6) Fast track of construction

SFRE, one of CISDI’s main manufacturing bases, is dominant in cold and hot rolling and processing.

Its full-process manufacturing expertise - from feedstock charging to final product delivery - is accredited to its refined, efficiently coordinated procedures.

Its core products are standardised, thanks to regulated processes from design to manufacture.

These strong foundations ensure equipment lead times and construction projects are delivered on schedule.

SFRE has become China’s leading brand for the single-stand TCM, continuing its drive to develop ever greener and more efficient technological innovation.


SFRE’s team celebrates the TCM’s successful first coil at Zhongpu Precision