Baosteel’s refurbished COG holder 1 gets outstanding results

Date:2022/2/25 Source: CISDI

CISDI has re-designed a coke oven gas holder at Baosteel, successfully resuming its inspection and restart.

The original gas holder was an import, which was assembled by CISDI and went into operation in 1985. With a volume of 120,000 cubic metres, it was polygon-shaped and oil-sealed.

It was revamped in 2000 and continued to operate for over 20 years, but its guide wheels for the piston and anti-rotating members became heavily worn. Performance deteriorated due to a seriously over-inclined piston and instrumentation and automation systems becoming outdated.

CISDI is an inspection and maintenance specialist for a full range of gas holders equipped with membrane seals, cylindrical and polygon oil seals and has established a full assessment and inspection technology system.

Baosteel and CISDI teamed up to work on detailed, targeted solutions and decided to replace all outdated imported devices with Chinese-made.

One major replacement project focused on the gas holder’s seals. The critical equipment is composed of around a thousand components and parts involving thousands of dimensions.

CISDI cross-checked all the materials, quantities and dimensions of the components and parts to be replaced and ensured all new devices matched perfectly.

The refurbished gas holder has exceptional sealing qualities - zero leakage of carbon monoxide has been achieved. Piston operation is stable and much faster. Its inclination has been corrected from the original 165mm to 20 mm and advanced monitoring and enhanced safety have also been achieved.


The COG holder 1 at Baosteel has been refurbished with Chinese-made core equipment and is operating with remarkable indicators