Successful new BOF1 at Baowu Chongqing Steel

Date:2022/1/13 Source: CISDI

Baowu Chongqing Steel’s new BOF 1 has been successfully hot commissioned.

It operated stably, with enhanced dust collection, and its oxygen blowing time was reduced to 14 minutes.

BOF1’s upgrade also included the rebuild of its primary, secondary, tertiary dust collection systems, plus its utilities and CAS system.

Chongqing Steel’s meltshop 1 has three 210-tonne BOFs, three CAS systems, two LFs and one RH in operation. Their annual total output target of liquid steel is 8.20 million tonnes plus.

CISDI is to transform the remaining furnaces and systems, making Meltshop 1 greener and smarter, standardising operations and reducing labour requirements.

To achieve a higher melting efficiency, the oxygen blowing time of each furnace will be reduced from the current 15 minutes to under 13 minutes on average.


The BOF 1 has been transformed to greener, more efficient and labour-reduced operations at Baowu Chongqing Steel