Masteel’s new silos are up and running

Date:2021/12/20 Source: CISDI

New coal silos are now operating in the south of Masteel’s coking plant, thanks to CISDI’s expertise.

Known as the phase II project, it went live ten months after phase I became operational at the end of 2019.

CISDI was the EPC-based service provider for both phases, which have transformed the original open coal yard into a world-leading, intelligent ECIA-E integrated storage and blending demo.

Coal storage space has been reduced by 80 per cent and the loss of materials which normally happen at open yards during high winds and storms has been greatly reduced.

An advanced tech product, ECIA is CISDI’s major innovation for handling bulk materials. Integrated, intelligent and adaptable, it transforms sites and boosts eco-friendly ratings, efficiency and competitiveness.

Masteel is delighted with the new silos. “Our coal coking plant is now working cleanly with smarter, more efficient and precise storage and blending.”

CISDI had designed and built the silos’ receiving, storage and blending, crushing and discharging systems.

They can now feed precisely-proportioned coals for six coke ovens.

Clean and intelligent handling tech has been applied, improving environments inside and outside the steel plant by minimising the risk of falling materials and blockages.

It was a challenging project for the team, who worked against complicated interfaces and a tight schedule.

“Since construction began in May 2018, our engineers have been optimising their technical solutions. They have brought green, intelligent innovation onboard along with our wealth of experience in engineering and operational support,” said a CISDI spokesperson.

“The pandemic and threatened typhoons never held the team back. Advance-planning meant they could continue accelerating the project.

All targets were met and a high-standard of construction was achieved which is bringing world-leading results for Masteel.


The CISDI-built ECIA-E coal yard at Baowu Masteel has world-class indicators