S&T: Innovative desulphurisation tech is tested at steelworks

Date:2021/9/23 Source: CISDI

Industrial testing of a new hot stove for blast furnace 4 at Chongqing Steel, which features CISDI’s sodium-based dry desulphurisation tech, has been successful.

Test results met the designed target.

The innovative SDS tech is fully adapted to hot stove fume conditions, ensuring the desulphurisation system continuously and stably meets ultra-low emissions standards.

It results in higher desulphurising efficiency, simplified process flow and easier operation, and produces eco-friendlier, easily-disposable by-products.

The industrial test has verified the feasibility of CISDI design scheme and resulted in identifying the optimal desulphurising conditions for the SDS method by testing different fume temperatures, retention time, the grain size of the desulphurising agent and the sodium to sulphur ratios which affect desulphurising efficiency.

Meanwhile, the industrial test has measured the desulphurising concentrations at the outlet of the thioniser and the bag filter, to check if the front-end simulation model and parameters were functioning accurately.

This valuable testing data and results lay a solid foundation for the project’s application.