In Pictures: Our Teams have been battling a heatwave

Date:2021/9/23 Source: CISDI

Out on site, our front-line project teams have been braving the intense heat of China’s scorching July and August weather conditions, showing true commitment and tenacity to meet their targets.


At the photovoltaic power generation site in Xinjiang Autonomous Region, our engineer discusses installation details with a construction worker for photovoltaic panels.



Our engineer checking the construction schedule at the stockyard of Zenith Nantong Steel in Jiangsu Province



At the blast furnace 3 and 4 site of Shenglong Steel in Guangxi Province, our engineer checks construction measurements on the pump house platform.


Our engineer rushes to solve a problem at the steelmaking and continuous casting plant of Laiwu Steel Taojialing in Shandong Province



Our engineer and a construction worker, problem-solving at the stockyard of Baosteel Desheng Stainless Steel Co. in Fujian Province



Our assembly engineer carefully checks assembly precision at the workshop of CISDI Equipment Co. in Chongqing



Our engineer monitors the production of the forging mill in the workshop of MCC SFRE’s manufacturing base in Shaanxi Province


At the workshop of MCC SFRE’s manufacturing base in Shaanxi Province, our STD pickling-free descaling research engineers inspect equipment before it leaves the shop for delivery