Strong and world-class - Sanbao’s optimum bar and wire-rod line

Date:2021/7/26 Source: CISDI

Sanbao Special Steel’s high-strength optimum bar and wire-rod rolling line has been hot commissioned in China’s Fujian Province.

CISDI was the line’s designer and core equipment supplier and the EPC-based service provider for its reheating furnace.

The line’s projected production capacity is 1.39 million tonnes a year, mainly producing alloy structural steel, quality carbon structural steel and reinforced concrete steel.

The line is hot-charged with 170mm billets and produces bar and rod with specifications ranging from Φ10mm to Φ20mm.

It’s an important development for Sanbao, optimising its product range and improving brand image and market competitiveness.

Designing the line was a challenging process. A maximum workshop length of only 320 metres had to be overcome. CISDI applied a flexible process arrangement and world-class technical, environmental indicators have been achieved.

The applied CISDI expertise and core equipment includes:

1) BFG-air dual-regenerative combustion

2) Ultra-low NOx energy-efficient burner

3) High-rigidity NHCD short-stress path rolling mills

4) CDMC high-speed, heavy-duty modular mills

5) FSCD flying shears

6) New-type TMCP units


Sanbao’s optimum bar rolling line in operation

CISDI’s Sanbao rolling line team, pictured before the mills went into service