Rebuilt colour-coating line gets green light at Ansteel

Date:2021/7/26 Source: CISDI

Chinese steel giant Ansteel is set to increase production capacity and boost for its green credentials thanks to an upgrade at its plant in China’s Liaoning Province.

A CISDI-supplied colour coating line has been started up and is seeing huge improvements on the original line’s post-treatment heat exchange system, direct-fired thermal oxidizer, fume exhaustion preheating system and fresh air system.

CISDI has achieved a first - the application of advanced curing waste gas treatment tech - a four-stage incineration system.

Thanks to temperature field simulation and cascade distribution of thermal load, this CCL results in a higher standard of fume emission indication than the conventional one-stage incineration system.

CISDI also made a breakthrough for Ansteel by doubling the working area of the original waste gas heat exchanger and, at the same time, offsetting the resistance loss caused by the additional heat exchange area.

It reduces the oxidizer’s energy consumption by 40 per cent.


The Ansteel’s CCL 1 shop after rebuild



The final coils produced by Ansteel’s CCL 1