Innovative installation skills enable success for Isdemir COG holder

Date:2021/6/21 Source: CISDI

CISDI had to be extra-innovative when it came to constructing a COG holder for Isdemir in Turkey.

The Piston, Oil Seal, Cylindrical Shell Type (POC) gas holder is a patented CISDI product.

Construction requires 70 tonnes of mounting facilities, including the top crane, external and internal scaffolds, central stand, top limit wheel and post connection clamp.

However, the top crane, external and internal scaffolds could not be approved by the European standard for safety.

CISDI had to come up with an innovative solution.

Its team adapted Turkish machinery and tools, relied on a tower crane and replaced the conventional external and internal scaffolds with a single-layer platform.

The construction process had to integrate installation, welding and inspection onto the same working platform. It was completed successfully, ensuring the gas holder’s mounting was accurate and met European safety standards.

The COG holder has now been capped, with its last post and top steel structures connected.


The COG holder is capped at Isdemir in Turkey



CISDI team onsite with the customer and construction partner