Intelligent Logistics

Date:2020/12/23 Source: CISDI

CISDI total logistics solutions ? intelligent warehousing, intelligent wharf and intelligent auto transport for steel rely on intelligent control, intellisense, smart units, autonomous diagnosis and big data analysis tech.

A safer, greener, more efficient and smarter logistics system for a steel plant is created.


Reduction in logistics labour needs

More efficient logistical operations

Improved working environment

Equipment consumption reduced

Improved logistical safety



Baowu Bayi Steel, Zhanjiang Steel and Masteel in China.




Intelligent warehousing applies:

Driverless crane

Machine vision system

Intelligent warehouse management system

Big data analysis



Intelligent, autonomous hot metal transport applies:

Command system for intelligent locomotive scheduling

Autonomous drive system

Environmental perception system

Equipment support system



Intelligent wharf applies:

Machine cognition/perception system

Machine vision

Crane operation




Intelligent transportation applies:

Signalling control

Automobile management and data query

Data analysis and status query

Intelligent warehousing

Autonomous hot metal transport.


The world’s first intelligent autonomous hot metal transport system at Baowu Zhanjiang

An autonomous system for transporting hot metal from the ironmaking to steelmaking plants is now operating successfully at Baowu Zhanjiang Steel.

This ground-breaking transformation of conventional hot metal transport to intelligent and autonomous features eight locomotives and 28 torpedo ladle cars.

It has been developed and commissioned by CISAI Tech, a partnership between CISDI and AInnovation.

The two companies researched real-time, self-learning, self-adaptable and high-precision control models. These models plus environmental perception and digital twin tech have made the creation of this intelligent autonomous hot metal transport system into reality.

Locomotives operate in all weather and environmental conditions and can accurately identify all obstacles. Coupling/decoupling is automated and accurate positioning is achieved in even the most severe conditions.

The autonomous system and its reliable communication and power supply systems not only controls the heavy-duty locomotive’s forward and backward movements, braking, centimetre-level positioning and alignment. Its integrated control software can perform innovative automated parking, coupling and decoupling.

The system closely synchronises transportation with production requirements. Its AI-based decision-making centre has four subsystems: intelligent scheduling, digital twin, equipment support and data analysis.

The autonomous locomotive transporting hot metal ladles at Baowu Zhanjiang Steel


Core tech applied:

All-weather environmental perception

Scheduling model featuring deep learning and intelligent algorithm

Locomotive high-precision, autonomous driving control

Automated coupling, decoupling and parking and smart units.


Results and benefits:

Torpedo ladle car’s turnover rate: 4.3

Locomotive’s daily transport capacity: more than 4,500 tonnes per set

Labour cost reduced by around 70 per cent

Zero incident rate.


The world’s first intelligent hot mill coils warehousing system at Baowu Bayi Steel

Bayi Steel’s hot mill warehouses are the first to apply CISDI’s intelligent heavy-duty warehousing system.

The coil warehouses are unmanned and are operating safely, stably and efficiently.

Advanced tech - driver-less overhead crane, machine vision and perception, smart warehouse management, optimal route planning and efficiency real-time analysis -are integrated into this system.

CISDI’s patented heat-resistant clamp and fixture are applied, ensuring more reliable and safer coil handling. Electronic anti-falling, high-precision positioning, anti-collision and conflict resolution tech and equipment are also applied.

The intelligent warehouse management module enables the overhead crane to autonomously select tasks and distribute optimal positions and travel routes. This substantially improves warehouse efficiency.

The machine vision and perception module applies 3D scan cloud identification tech to autonomously develop calculation models for vehicle saddles, in-warehouse materials and materials on walking beams. These calculation models can accurately work out the material’s outline dimensions and coordinates.



The intelligent warehousing system at Baowu Bayi Steel


Core tech applied:

Intelligent clamp and fixture

Driver-less overhead crane

Machine vision

Intelligent warehouse management

Self-relied equipment diagnosis.


Results and benefits:

Warehousing workforce reduced by over 50 per cent

Warehousing efficiency increased by over 10 per cent

Overall energy consumption cut by 5-10 per cent

Eradication of scratches and damage to equipment and materials coming into and out of the warehouses

Improved safety.