Intelligent Blast Furnace Ironmaking

Date:2020/12/23 Source: CISDI

CISDI was the first company to propose the concept of intelligent blast furnace ironmaking.

It was also the first company to design the solution that made it possible - the big data-based, integrated and centralised ironmaking control centre.

The centralised control centre transforms conventional ironmaking production to integrated control and intensive operation. It requires far fewer onsite operation areas, which results in increased labour efficiency.

CISDI also devised and built the pan-ironmaking big data centre, a world steel first. It is capable of a wide range of long-distance centralised controls.

The pan-ironmaking big data centre works to:

the basis of mass flow, energy flow and information flow to optimise process flows, organisation and management across the procedures and sustain super-efficient, cost-effective ironmaking.

create an optimised overall production and centralised control across the upstream ironmaking procedures ? stockyard, sintering, pelletising, coking, lime calcination and blast furnace ironmaking.

digital twin expertise and intelligent apps for achieving visualised monitoring, transparent management, digitalised operations, intelligent decision-making and networked coordination.



Baowu Shaogang, WISCO, Masteel and NISCO in China.


The CISDI-built WISCO pan-ironmaking centralised control centre



A screenshot from CISDI’s pan-ironmaking integrated, centralised control platform


The world’s first intelligent pan-ironmaking at Baowu Shaogang

Baowu Shaogang intelligence centre was officially launched by Baowu Group at its intelligent manufacturing convention in early 2019.

It was built by CISDI to an EPC mode.

A standout example of intelligent manufacturing, thanks to its smart products and big data technological applications Shaogang intelligence centre has achieved extraordinarily high levels of steel plant safety, coordination and efficiency.

Its world steel firsts:

centralised, on-scale applications of internet of things, mobile internet, big data and cloud computing for steel manufacture

massive, long-distance and centralised control across production procedures and trans-boundaries

borderless coordination

big data-based decision-making.


The Baowu Shaogang intelligence centre



Systematic optimisation of the plant’s flow, organisation, management and tech

Energy media and pan-ironmaking coordinated controls based on coupled iron, energy and information flows

Cross-procedure integration

Safety expertise for massive, long-distance centralised control systems

Improved safety in high-risk areas

Ergonomics-based human-machine interface

Integrated, intelligent control platform for pan-ironmaking areas and energy media

Intelligent ironmaking diagnosis and control

Intelligent energy analysis and optimisation


Results and benefits achieved:

A safer working environment - more than 400 staff have been removed from dangerous working areas

30 per cent more efficient workforce and management

50 onsite operation areas streamlined to 18, reducing the organisation’s management requirements

42 control rooms concentrated into one control centre, resulting in borderless production coordination