S&T: Standards release

Date:2020/8/19 Source: CISDI

CISDI has recently chaired and taken part in the revisions and drafting of multiple international, national and association standards for the steel sector.

The following have recently been released:

Two international standards:

         IEC 60519-8:2020 Section 8 ? Special Requirements on Electroslag Remelting Furnace for Safety of Electric Heating and Electromagnetic Processing Units

         IEC 60779:2020 Testing Methods of Electroslag Remelting Furnace for Electric Heating and Electromagnetic Processing Units

The electroslag remelting furnace is a resistor furnace which uses the heat energy of currents flowing through the high-resistance slag to re-melt metals. It has a significant role to play in numerous industrial sectors. China is a leading manufacturer and a chairing country for its related international standards.

The latest release of the two standards is the third revision. The first two, carried out under CISDI’s chair, were awarded China’s first ‘IEC 1906’ prize in 2005.


Two national standards:

         GB/T 5959.12-2020 Section 12 ? Special Requirements on Infrared Electric Heater for Safety of Electric Heating and Electromagnetic Processing Units

         GB/T 10066.12-2020 Section 12 ? Infrared Electric Heater for Testing Methods of Electric Heating Units

These two standards will come into effect from October 1. They will improve the national industrial electric heater’s standard system, providing scientific, compatible and applicable guidance for stakeholders.


An association standard, T/CSM1-2020 Cascade Continuous Feeding for Electric Arc Furnace, has been approved for release by the Standardisation Commission of The Chinese Society for Metals.