Zongheng Steel’s hot strip mills move on a pace

Date:2020/3/9 Source: CISDI

Hebei Zongheng Steel reports reheating furnace 1 for its 1,450mm hot strip mill 1 has been dried off under CISDI’s EPC-based services.

Zongheng Steel is building three hot strip mills, two at 1,450mm and one at 1,780mm. Each mill will have three reheating furnaces. All nine reheating furnaces are in CISDI’s EPC package.

Six furnaces - two for each strip mill - have now been fired up. The remaining three are currently under construction.

Every construction milestone has been met and the project is moving forward.

The regenerative RHF project is seen as a benchmark for China.


Zongheng Steel’s RHF 1 for its 1,450mm hot strip mill 1 is dried off under CISDI’s EPC services

The three reheating furnaces for 1,450mm hot strip mill 1 at Zongheng Steel have been all started up