CISDI’s core equipment gives Aarti world-class edge

Date:2020/1/7 Source: CISDI

A world-class alloy bar rolling line has entered production stage at India’s Aarti Steels.

It features CISDI’s first export to India of its patented, core long products rolling equipment.

CISDI supplied the Breakdown Mill, Short-stress Path Rolling Mill and Super-heavy Flying Shear and also assisted Aarti in their commissioning and full operations.

The 400-tonne super-heavy flying shear applies gantry and dual-actuation expertise with electric drive for performing head and tail cutting and low-temperature work-piece chopping downstream Breakdown Mill.

Since startup, the flying shear has not only cut large cross-section 150mm x 150mm low-temperature work-pieces, but it has done so while accommodating a wide range of rolling speeds for multiple product specifications.

‘’We are seeing very trim cut sections being produced and the cut head lengths can be accurately controlled. Blades stop precisely and stably at the desired positions,’’ a representative for Aarti commented.

CISDI supplied one reheating furnace, one online breakdown mill, 13-stand short-stress path rolling mills, the full-line roller tables, stands, loopers, cooling bed facilities, finishing and collection units.

The line will produce 200,000 tonnes of special steel alloy bars a year, including round, square, hexagonal and spring flat bars, with wire-rod and large-coil process routes capability.

Site production data confirms that CISDI’s BDCD breakdown mill and NHCD short-stress path rolling mill have created final product precision to within 1/4DIN standard.

The world-class rolling line features the following CISDI developments and equipment:

1) BDCD Breakdown Mill

2) NHCD short-stress path rolling mill

3) dedicated super-heavy flying shear for large-cross-section bars

4) multi-functional cooling bed

5) high-temperature, fast collection system

6) micro-tension control

7) looper control

8) optimised cutting system

9) ghost rolling

10) advanced, reliable automation control model

11) profile meter

12) cold shear

13) abrasive-disk saw


BDCD Breakdown Mill is pictured blooming a work-piece at Aarti


The CISDI team, pictured at Aarti’s bar rolling workshop