S&T: CISDI’s latest development LHCD achieving world-class results in China

Date:2019/12/24 Source: CISDI

CISDI’s latest development LHCD achieving world-class results in China

CISDI’s newly-patented development LHCD is now in operation at Liuzhou Steel in China.

The LHCD ? the laying head for a high-speed wire-rod rolling line - is an improved application in China which runs at a maximum speed of 120 metres a second with minimal vibration.

Results show technical indicators matching those of top imported units.

Liuzhou Steel’s wire-rod rolling line is an import. It has a state-of-the-art laying head and finishing mill and runs at a maximum speed of 120 metres a second.

Earlier this year, it needed to replace the laying head and sought a Chinese manufacturer.

Liuzhou Steel required the new laying head to utilise the laying tube it had purchased and to have the same interface as its imported model.

CISDI organised a project team to carry out site surveys and adjusted its original in-house design to meet the client’s requirements.

A laying tube fitting curve was accurately drafted and provided the basis for designing the laying head’s surface, and also for making a kinetic analysis of the laying head’s rotor.

Having gained a thorough understanding from the client’s input data and information gathered during the site surveys, CISDI finalised the installation and interface dimensions to ensure a smooth exchange of the old unit with the new.

The client took part in and accepted the ex-works inspection, witnessing a testing speed of 120 metres a second and a vibration of less than four millimetres a second.

When producing ø8mm rebar, LHCD results in vibrations of only 1.5mm per second at a rolling speed of 80m a second.

Operational results show CISDI’s LHCD is achieving world-class levels and earmark it as another core CISDI product.

CISDI’s laying head LHCD in operation at Liuzhou Steel