CISDI QTouch - industrial command and scheduling centre

Date:2019/10/11 Source: CISDI

CISDI QTouch - industrial command and scheduling centre

—— Achieving map-based regional control to multi-scenes

One of CISDI’s core intelligent manufacturing products, QTouch is a configuration of the one-map-based regional control system, achieved by combining GIS, BIM and IoT expertise.

This industrial command and scheduling centre can be adapted to multiple scenarios in production and operational scheduling.

QTouch’s one-map is an overview of the steelworks and is capable of tracking process details. It’s generated from GIS and BIM and a 3D model, encompassing the geographical information and production areas.

It also integrates information on operational performance, equipment running data, process model analysis, energy consumption, environmental monitoring, electronic fencing, event and alarming systems.

The geography of the steelworks - its buildings and the arrangement of large equipment, belt conveyors and pipeline networks - can be seen clearly by the QTouch command centre.

Actuated by events, QTouch carries out an integrated, centralised control on the critical production and operational parameters, event response and disposal tracking, buildings and facilities, staff and operations.

Management can use QTouch to understand and control the enterprise on both macro and micro levels.

Focussed on production management scenes, QTouch applies the event allocating engine and the positioning, IoT and video analysis expertise to manage the production, staff, operations and maintenance on one dimension.

On the other dimension, it interconnects the IT-based platforms and assists in production and operational safety control, which can create improvements in event response efficiency and scheduling management levels.

CISDI QTouch has successfully been applied to centralised controls for Zhanjiang Steel’s water treatment plant, WISCO’s upstream-BF plant and WISCO’s hot strip mill in China.



The one map for CISDI QTouch gives an overview of the steelworks’ entire production and operations and enables a centralised control


A screenshot of QTouch centralised control at Zhanjiang Steel’s water treatment plant


A screenshot of QTouch centralised control for WISCO’s upstream-BF plant