CISDI’s total solutions for Intelligent Manufacturing

Date:2019/9/26 Source: CISDI

CISDI’s total solutions for Intelligent Manufacturing

Steel manufacturing is undergoing a huge transformation as the fourth industrial revolution gets into gear.

But switching to intelligent manufacturing methods poses massive challenges for conventional steel processes.

CISDI is helping to smooth the journey. With 61 years of experience in steel engineering and construction and many high-calibre references, CISDI has pooled knowledge collected in its vast steel database with its ever-growing expertise in intelligent manufacturing solutions.

A five-pronged intelligent capability system has been established and released to steel companies around the globe. It embraces:

     The intelligent IT-based platform

     Smart methodology and products

     Big data and cloud computing

     Internet of things and automation

     Digital design

CISDI solutions provide clients with intelligent equipment, intelligent workshops and systems, which together create the intelligent steelworks - a safer, greener, more people-centred environment which operates more efficiently and produces higher quality steel.

Digitalisation of the entire production process enables steel enterprises to switch to automatic production, have full network coordination and enable intelligent decision-making.

CISDI’s steel industrial cloud platform provides full-life-cycle, one-stop intelligent manufacturing cloud services which help build a world-class intelligent, network-based demo plant and drive transformation.