Dalipal Tube Mill passes entire hot test

Date:2019/9/5 Source: CISDI

Dalipal Tube Mill passes entire hot test

—— Success of CISDI-designed and ?manufactured three major tube mill trains

A new production line is now operating smoothly at Dalipal Tube Mill.

The plant’s new piercing, mandrel tube and stretch reducing mills, all designed and manufactured by CISDI, were successfully hot-commissioned, enabling the entire production line to go into operation on schedule.

Mill trains for tubular stock rolling and deformation have been given the most advanced core technology and equipment. Their performance is critical to the plant, as it determines the final dimensions and quality of the seamless tube produced.

CISDI is also the project’s EPC-based contractor and Dalipal is CISDI’s first reference for the independent design, manufacture and commissioning of three such major mills.


Dalipal’s mandrel tube mill during hot-commissioning; the mill was designed and manufactured by CISDI


The tube mandrel mill being manufactured and assembled in the workshops at CISDI Equipment Co. Chongqing