Second CDQ power unit goes on-grid at FHS

Date:2019/7/17 Source: CISDI

Second CDQ power unit goes on-grid at FHS

CISDI has scored a major victory with its first ever construction of an overseas power plant to an EPC mode.

The second coke dry-quenching power generator went on-grid on-schedule and is supplying power at Formosa Ha Tinh Steel in Vietnam.

This success followed the startup of the first power generator in March. Both are the first of their kind in Vietnam to be created to support a CDQ plant.

Two 36MW steam turbines and auxiliaries are now working, generating a maximum of 6x108kWh of power a year.

They are not only a booster for FHS’s energy consumption indicators, but are also increasing FHS’s profitability.

Formosa Plastics Group has built over 40 generators of various types. Its most typical installation is a 600MW super-critical unit with the highest performance parameters in the industry.

The construction of Ha Tinh Steel Plant’s generator required exacting skills, from the technological process to the installation, the commissioning and project management.

In China, steel enterprises tend to tap internal potential for increasing profit margins rather than relying solely on improving production capacity. Keeping abreast with this trend, CISDI has developed core technologies for recovering steel plant gas, excess heat and energy and enhancing their reutilisation.

Multiple high-performance power generators have been successfully designed and built by CISDI.



The CDQ power generator 2 at FHS