Upgraded furnace at Minmetals Yingkou

Date:2019/6/18 Source: CISDI

Upgraded furnace at Minmetals Yingkou

BOF 3 at Minmetals Yingkou Steel has passed its hot commissioning.

With CISDI providing services to an EPC mode, BOF facilities were upgraded and new facilities were installed at the existing meltshop.

The furnace proper, the heat recovery steam generation boiler and fume exhaust chamber have been modified.

CISDI-SACS patented technology has been used for this BOF, which is featured by a 4-point linkage suspension system. The existing combined-blown desulphurisation station has been relocated. 

Other new installations at the meltshop include a KR desulphurisation station, a semi-steel furnace, an LF, RH furnace and a single-strand heavy continuous caster.

CISDI renovated BOF 3’s rebuilding construction by putting its mouth up and assembling it into the trunnion ring.

This has proved to be more successful than the conventional assembly method, which positions a BOF with its mouth down into the trunnion ring.

The innovative method adds to CISDI’s BOF engineering and project management references.

Without influences on existing production, the rebuild and addition construction work had to be carried out to a tight timeline to avoid affecting production, and in complicated, dusty and noisy conditions.

CISDI’s innovative design, scientific management and tailored construction process ensured all targets were met.

说明: D:\NEWSLETTER\201905\图\项目\五矿营口转炉.jpg 

The upgraded BOF 3, receiving hot metal at Minmetals’ Yingkou Steel