CISDI’s intelligent power distribution network adds wings to Shaogang Intelligent Centre

Date:2019/4/18 Source: CISDI

CISDI’s intelligent power distribution network adds wings to Shaogang Intelligent Centre

CISDI’s intelligent distribution network has been helping to run Baowu Group’s Shaogang Intelligent Centre since the end of last year, when the upstream-BF and energy centre were started up.

The intelligent distribution network has four general substations which generate plant-wide power. Power plants 2 and 1 are the remote control centre for the system distributing gas-compressed air. This intelligent distribution network provided substantial support and guarantees for the upstream-BF and energy centre’s centralised control and efficiency enhancement.  In effect, it adds the wings which enable Shaogang Intelligent Centre to maximise its functions, and empower intelligence on electric energy.

The energy centre performs a number of intelligent functions ? remote measurement, remote signaling, remote vision, remote control and remote regulating and intelligent patrol checking for five general substations, six power generation stations and 34 regional HV distribution rooms.

CISDI is in charge of electric centralised control for plant-wide power generation and supply, including an electric scheduling system, intelligent aid systems for each of the four substations and related advanced applications.

CISDI has configured a three-loop network ? a two-loop main for the electric scheduling system and a one-loop main for the intelligent aid system.

All the general substations and main power generation stations will connect to the three main loops. The sub-level regional HV distribution rooms will join their corresponding general substations or power generation stations via a star or minor-loop network.

The Intelligent Centre will become a greener, more interactive, safe, cost -effective and highly efficient ‘brain’ for Shaogang steelworks.

On startup and as completion of the intelligent distribution network progresses, main facilities will see greater reliability during operations and improved availability of resources.

The substation and power generation station will have optimised production management. Furthermore, the network will upgrade Shaogang grid’s HV equipment status monitor and improve the centre’s safety control and emergency responses.

The plant-wide general substations and power generation stations will be operated autonomously, without the need for workers - a stride forward to real-sense intelligent manufacturing.

CISDI is now working on advanced applications of the network, which will make ‘the brain’ even smarter.

The company’s work at Shaogang is a prime example of the intelligent distribution network total solutions it is able to supply to electric consulting, intelligent substations, intelligent micro grids and intelligent distribution upgrades.

CISDI’s solutions can be tailored to a client’s own distribution network.


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