Construction of third blast furnace underway at Baosteel Zhanjiang

Date:2019/2/5 Source: CISDI

Construction of third blast furnace underway at Baosteel Zhanjiang

?? CISDI undertakes the master design

Construction began on Baosteel Zhanjiang’s Phase II centred blast furnace 3 at the end of 2018.

The furnace will meet new intelligent manufacturing needs and a host of eco-friendly regulations.

Streamlined, high-efficiency methods of construction will be employed, in line with those used for the construction of Baosteel’s Phase I.

Phase II’s full process flows will have ultra-low emissions, in line with the pledge to make Zhanjiang one of the most advanced, efficient and competitive green steelworks in the world.

CISDI is undertaking the master design of Phase II and the design of its stockyard, BF, CCM and HSM.

Zhaohui Yu, CEO of CISDI Group, commented at the Phase II launch ceremony: “CISDI and Baosteel have worked together through many changes to the industrial landscape over the past 40 years and have built up a lasting partnership of mutual trust.

“CISDI will follow new development concepts in line with Zhanjiang’s targets, and will push forward technological innovation, applying its optimised intelligent manufacturing, energy conservation and environmental protection  expertise to Phase II’s process, equipment and production consultancy. “

He added: “We have learned a great deal from building BF1 and 2 for Zhanjiang, which will result in further improvement. We will be closely working with other contracted companies and are proud to be part of creating the world’s most modernised and green carbon steel production base.”

As the master designer and the predominant service provider for Zhanjiang, CISDI applied a number of IIPR-based core technologies, many of which are technological Chinese firsts.

Over 100 relate to energy conservation and environmental protection and have been hailed as major drivers for China’s pledge to improve steel industry layouts and structures, product mix, flows and energy mix.



Zhanjiang Steel made a profit the year after start-up and gained higher margins than other comparable steelworks.

After start-up, Zhanjiang was swiftly ranked among the world’s leanest and green steelworks. It was credited with having leading levels of intelligence, eco features and product quality.

Since Zhanjiang Phase I started up in 2016, numerous technical and economical indices have been reached. In some cases, design values have been excelled. Results, compared to industry averages in China, include:

Coverage area: 20% reduction

Logistics costs: 25% less

Consumption of fresh industrial water per tonne of steel: 33% less

Plant-wide dust and offgas emissions: 25% less

OPEX: 15% less

Labour productivity: 40% increase


CISDI undertook:

The master design

Design of 10 process units

Package supply or EPC services of around 20 projects

An aerial view of Baosteel Zhanjiang Phase I after completion