Five-stand tandem cold mill being created for Ganglu Steel

Date:2018/3/25 Source: CISDI

CISDI Equipment Company is in the process of manufacturing a five-stand tandem cold mill for Tangshan Ganglu Steel.

CISDI is providing package supply services for the project, which includes the large pickling line and tandem cold mlll.

More than 100 sets of mechanical equipment are involved, from pickling line entry and exit to cold mill entry, five-stand 6-hi cold mill and exit.

The tandem mill is comprised of five stands, upper cross beams and roll change rails. The mill housing is being machined to an outline dimension of 9.3mx3.8mx1.4m and will weigh around 80.5 tonnes.

Housing and assembly is being created with high machining accuracy. A standard parallelism for each piece of the housing should be controlled and the flatness should be kept within 0.04mm. Its squareness and symmetry must be controlled to within 0.08mm and 0.015mm and the complete alignment of the five stands must be achieved during assembly.

To ensure machining accuracy, engineers from CISDI Equipment are on-site to track manufacturing and instantly solve any technical problems that arise. CISDI’s manufacturing shop makes optimized arrangements on rough and fine machining to better adapt to machining requirements.

Seven of the ten housings have been completed. One of them is in assembly and the machining and assembly workshops are running to schedule.

A machining tool working on the housing of the five-stand PL-TCM for Ganglu Steel